Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Peaceful
Live Plant Safe: Yes
General Description: The Three Spot Rasbora, also referred to as the Dwarf or Pygmy Rasbora, are found in black water streams and rivers of Peninsular Malaysia, southern Thailand, Sumatra, and Singapore. With this large distribution, there is considerable variation in the color intensity of male Three spot rasboras. A striking nano fish, male Three spot rasbora will have intense red-orange coloration with three black dots (one in the middle of the body, one above the anal fin and one in the caudal fin). Female Three spot rasbora on the other hand will have muted body coloration, and will be rounder in shape. Many Three spot rasbora available in the aquarium trade are produced commercially, but there are some still imported from the wild. Three spot rasbora are natural shoaling fish, and males will readily engage in sparring behavior with each other during daylight. Acquiring a mixed sex group of 15 or more individuals is recommended for their social behavior and to spread out aggression among males. An adult Three spot rasbora can reach a size of approximately 1″.
Diet Requirements: In the wild Three spot rasbora are omnivores. A diet made up of various high quality vegetable based and protein based flake foods, sinking micro pellet foods and bug bites are ideal, in addition to offering frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp and daphnia. Variety is the spice of life in order to maintain color, immune function and longevity of your fish. Avoid foods that will sit on the surface as these fish rarely will come up to eat.
Care Requirements: A minimum 10 gallon aquarium is ideal for a group of Three spot rasbora. While these fish are small, this size aquarium better provides a stable environment and room for each male. This species should not be introduced into a biologically immature aquarium. Three spot rasbora are intolerable of nitrite or ammonia spikes, and will not endure deteriorating water parameters. Weekly water changes are encouraged to keep water parameters pristine (Nitrates < 15 ppm). Given the environments in which they come from, Three spot rasbora like gentle water flow that is typically achieved by the use of a sponge filter. The aquarium should be aquascaped with a darker substrate and dense vegetation (live plants are preferred). Three spot rasbora would also benefit from some floating plants, as this better mimics their natural environment. Three spot rasbora are extremely peaceful and rarely conflict with tank mates. Their timid nature, however, may make them not suitable for traditional community aquariums that have overly rambunctious or competitive species that will intimidate them. Mix Three spot rasbora with other peaceful shoaling species to provide them with security, and some species that may exploit the top portion of the aquarium to reduce their shyness. Some compatible species include Emerald Dwarf Danio (Danio erythromicron), Chili Rasbora (Boraras brigittae), Celestial Pearl Danio (Danio margaritatus), Neon Blue Danio (Sundadanio axelrodi), and Pygmy Cory (Corydoras pygmaeus). This species are great with Neocaridina shrimps. Extra care should be taken acclimating Three spot rasbora. Recommended water conditions, 72-76° F, KH 3-12, pH 4.0-6.5.
Purchase Size: Medium: 1/2”
Note: Your item may not look identical to the image provided due to variation within species. Purchase sizes are approximate.