Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: Yes
General Description: The Pelvic Spot Cryptic Wrasse, also known as the Pink Streaked Wrasse, is found across the Indo-Pacific. While it has a large natural distribution, this cryptic reef-dwelling species is infrequently seen in the aquarium trade. The Pelvic wrasse is a burgundy-pink color with yellow-orange stripes across its body and a metallic orange colored eye. This wrasse may be confused with the more common Sixline Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia), but overall appearance and demeanor are very different between the two. Pelvic wrasses can become very personable and bold, but are quite shy when first introduced. An adult Pelvic wrasse can reach a size of approximately 2-1/2″.
Diet Requirements: Pelvic spot cryptic wrasses are carnivores, actively hunting tiny crustaceans (e.g., copepods) throughout the day. A diet consisting of various meaty preparations such as brine shrimp, calanus, mysis shrimp and other mixed frozen foods that contain algae, such as spirulina, will maintain optimal health and coloration. We highly encourage soaking frozen foods in vitamin and fatty acid supplements, as wrasses have very high metabolisms. Multiple, small feedings per day rather than one large feeding can also help and in turn create more of a natural environment for a wrasse as it would feed in the wild.
Care Requirements: An established, minimum 15 gallon aquarium is required for a Pelvic spot cryptic wrasse. A tight fitting lid is a must because these wrasses are known to jump out of aquariums. Pelvic wrasses require a variety of rock work and crevices to swim through and around while they hunt, but such live rock arrangements can also help to make it feel secure and encourage more outgoing behavior. The Pelvic wrasse while relatively easy to care for, is not tolerable of nitrite or ammonia spikes, and an established tank also offers microinvertebrates and crustaceans that naturally accumulate over time as the aquarium ages for it to prey on. Given their peaceful and very timid nature, a Pelvic wrasse can be easily bullied and therefore should not be kept with any species that could exhibit aggressive behavior toward it. It is best to add a Pelvic wrasse before larger or more active fish in order to allow it to acclimate to the environment and begin feeding. A Pelvic wrasse would thrive best in a reef environment with other small peaceful nano fishes. Pelvic wrasses are best kept one per aquarium, but can be kept with other timid wrasses such as Wetmorella species. Recommended water conditions, 72-78° F, KH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, salinity 1.020-1.025.
Purchase Size: Medium: 1-1/4″ to 2″; Large: 2″ or larger.
Note: Your item may not look identical to the image provided due to variation within species. Purchase sizes are approximate.