Care Level: Advanced
Temperament: Aggressive
Live Plant Safe: Yes
General Description: The Exodon Tetra, also known as the Bucktooth Tetra, has a large distribution throughout river systems of the Amazon basin in Brazil. Unlike most other common tetras, the Exodon tetra is not a community species. In fact, they are best kept as a species-only tank or they can sometimes be kept successfully alongside Red-bellied Piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri), but they may also become prey in the long run. In the wild, Exodon tetra relentlessly strip the scales off of shiny or silver-sided fishes with their unique teeth. In the home aquarium, Exodon tetra should be kept in groups of no fewer than 12 individuals and all individuals should be introduced at the same time. A group this size is needed because any fewer typically results in fish picking each other off until there are only a few or one left, and a larger group also prevents weaker individuals from being singled out or continually harassed. An adult Exodon tetra can reach a size of approximately 4″.
Diet Requirements: Offer Exodon tetra a diet made up of various high quality frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, mussels and chopped fish. Variety is the spice of life in order to maintain color, immune function and longevity of your fish. Do not give Exodon tetra live feeder fish, as they lack nutrition and increases the introduction of disease into your aquarium.
Care Requirements: A minimum 55 gallon aquarium is ideal for a group of Exodon tetra because they are an energetic species. A larger aquarium will be required if you are going to try mixing Exodons with Red-bellied Piranha. This fish cannot be put into a biologically immature aquarium as they are sensitive to ammonia and nitrite. Biweekly water changes are needed to keep water parameters in good condition (Nitrates < 20 ppm). An aquarium with Exodon tetras should be equipped with exceptional filtration (e.g., large power filter or canister filter) to be able to handle the bioload of the group, be well oxygenated and have generous water movement that can be achieved by using internal powerheads. The aquarium should be aquascaped with a fine to sandy substrate and have many broken lines of sight utilizing driftwood or live plants. While Exodon tetra are not difficult to provide for, they have been listed as Advanced given their very aggressive temperament and lack of compatability with other fish. Recommended water conditions, 72-82° F, KH 0-20, pH 5.5-7.5.
Purchase Size: Small: 1-1/2” to 1-3/4”
Note: Your item may not look identical to the image provided due to variation within species. Purchase sizes are approximate.