Care Level: Easy
Temperament:Â Peaceful
Reef Compatible:Â Yes
General Description: The Fire Shrimp, also known as the Blood Red Fire Shrimp or Blood Shrimp, is one of the most sought after ornamental shrimp in the marine hobby. Originating from the Indo-Pacific, Fire shrimp can reach a maximum size of 4″ and boasts stunning, vibrant red coloration with a pair of white antennae and white spots on its carapace. More of a nocturnal forager, Fire shrimp may be seldomly seen out and about during the day; it’s white antennae will likely peek out from underneath a crevice or cave. Unlike its closely related counterpart, the Cleaner shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis), Fire shrimp are more solitary; a pair can sometimes be kept with success in a larger aquarium. Fire shrimp may be observed “cleaning” fish tank mates, since they are in the genus of cleaning shrimp Lysmata.
Diet Requirements: Fire shrimp are carnivores. They will actively scavenge along the aquarium’s substrate looking for pieces of food. Fire shrimp will readily accept a variety of flake, pellet, and frozen foods.
Tank Requirements: An established, minimum aquarium size of 30 gallons is recommended to house a Fire shrimp. Maintaining stable water parameters is a component to the success of keeping this invertebrate; Fire shrimp are intolerable of high nitrates. Regular water changes are necessary to replenish iodine that is important for the proper molting of Fire shrimp. Generous live rock with caves and crevices will mimic the Fire shrimp’s natural environment. It is imperative to take time acclimating Fire shrimp; we suggest via drip acclimation. Recommended water conditions: 76-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, salinity 1.024-1.026.
Purchase Size: Small: 1″ to 2″; Medium: 2″ to 3″; Large: 3″ to 4″
Note: Your item may not look identical to the image provided due to variation within species. Purchase size is approximate.