Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Live Plant Safe: Yes
General Description: The Freshwater [FW] Pea Puffer, also known as the Dwarf Pea Puffer or simply Dwarf Puffer, is found in thirteen different freshwater rivers of Peninsular India. One of the most popular pufferfish for their huge personality and tiny adult size, hobbyists should keep in mind the somewhat specialized care requirements of these fish (see ‘Care Requirements’ below). Pea puffers are typically yellow, beige, or greenish in color with a series of brown spots. In the wild, these pufferfish are found in shoals of their own kind and this is important to replicate in the home aquarium not only for socialization, but for security. We recommend no fewer than 6 Pea puffers be kept together, but more are certainly encouraged! It has been observed that when a single Pea puffer is kept alone, it can be more stressed or withdrawn, and may even act out aggressively toward other tank mates due to fear. Pea puffers will help control nuisance snails, such as Malaysian Trumpets (Melanoides tuberculata), that come in on live aquatic plants. An adult Pea puffer can reach a size of approximately 1″. Note: Imported, commercial fishery, and captive-bred Pea puffers all have a risk of harboring internal parasitic worms. All of the Pea puffers for sale here at Aquatics Unlmited have been dewormed prior to sale to ensure you’re receiving healthy individuals.
Diet Requirements: In the wild Pea puffers are carnivores. A diet made up of various high quality frozen foods is necessary, including bloodworms, brine shrimp and daphnia. Puffers should also be regularly given snails to ensure their teeth do not become overgrown, which can cause health complications. Variety is the spice of life in order to maintain color, immune function and longevity of your puffer. Live foods, such as blackworms, are an entertaining treat. Puffers may accept the above foods in freeze-dried form, but this is not always guaranteed.
Care Requirements: An established minimum 15 gallon aquarium is ideal for a small group (n=6) of Pea puffers. Size up accordingly for a larger shoal. These pufferfish are exclusively freshwater, and should not be put into a brackish environment. The addition of a standard tablespoon per 5 gallons of water of FW aquarium salt is safe for Pea puffers, however. Puffers should never be added into a biologically immature aquarium, as they are intolerable of nitrite or ammonia. Biweekly water changes are encouraged to keep water parameters favorable (Nitrates < 15 ppm), as they cannot withstand deteriorating water conditions. Given the environments in which they come from, Pea puffers like gentle water flow that is typically achieved by the use of a sponge filter. The aquarium should be aquascaped with a darker substrate and dense live vegetation. This type of aquascape not only provides stimulation for these inquisitive fish, but also creates a number of visual barriers between individual Pea puffers if needed. Pea puffers would also benefit from some floating plants, as this better mimics their natural environment and diffuses light. Mixing Pea puffers in a community tank can be challenging given their hit-or-miss nippy behavior. Avoid fish with decorative fins. Pea puffers are not strong swimmers, so tank mates do need to be selected carefully in order to not outcompete them in food resources. Recommended water conditions, 74-78° F, KH 5-20, pH 6.5-7.5.
Purchase Size: Medium: 1/2”
Note: Your item may not look identical to the image provided due to variation within species. Purchase sizes are approximate.