Xenopus laevis


The African Clawed Frog is native to ponds, lakes, rivers and wetlands of sub-saharan Africa. A favorite among many hobbyists, this frog is a very adaptable to a range of environments and are fully aquatic species. Don’t be fooled by their still and laid back behavior though, as the African clawed frog is a voracious predator making it unsuitable for typical community aquariums — even as juveniles. Truthfully, this frog would do best in a species-only set up; multiple individuals can be kept together successfully if they are all around the same size. African clawed frogs are a long term commitment, as some individuals have been documented to live between 10 and 15 years! Typical coloration for African clawed frogs are olive-green or brown with mottling and a pale belly. African clawed frogs have developed lungs, rather than gills, and this is why you will see them come up to the surface to breathe and then drop back down to the substrate. Because of this, it is important to leave a gap between the surface of the water and the aquarium lid. An adult African clawed frog can grow between 3-1/2″ to 5″ dependent on sex. Smaller individuals may be confused with the more peaceful African Dwarf Frog (Hymenochirus boettgeri), however, the African clawed frog has a stockier body shape. Note: Populations of African clawed frogs have been found within water bodies of many states in United States, with some states listing them as an invasive species. While these frogs are fully aquatic, under certain conditions they can travel on land to other nearby water bodies. We urge hobbyists to not release their African clawed frogs, as this is incredibly unhealthy and dangerous for the biodiversity of our native ecosystems. Please reach out to our store, Aquatics Unlimited, to either surrender your frog to us or for resources to help you in your local area.


*We cannot ship African Clawed Frogs to the states of Arizona, California, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Vermont, Virginia, Hawaii, Nevada, or Washington state.

Care Level: Moderate

Temperament: Semi-Aggressive

Live Plant Safe: Yes

General Description: The African Clawed Frog is native to ponds, lakes, rivers and wetlands of sub-saharan Africa. A favorite among many hobbyists, this frog is a very adaptable to a range of environments and are fully aquatic species. Don’t be fooled by their still and laid back behavior though, as the African clawed frog is a voracious predator making it unsuitable for typical community aquariums — even as juveniles. Truthfully, this frog would do best in a species-only set up; multiple individuals can be kept together successfully if they are all around the same size. African clawed frogs are a long term commitment, as some individuals have been documented to live between 10 and 15 years! Typical coloration for African clawed frogs are olive-green or brown with mottling and a pale belly. African clawed frogs have developed lungs, rather than gills, and this is why you will see them come up to the surface to breathe and then drop back down to the substrate. Because of this, it is important to leave a gap between the surface of the water and the aquarium lid. An adult African clawed frog can grow between 3-1/2″ to 5″ dependent on sex. Smaller individuals may be confused with the more peaceful African Dwarf Frog (Hymenochirus boettgeri), however, the African clawed frog has a stockier body shape. Note: Populations of African clawed frogs have been found within water bodies of many states in United States, with some states listing them as an invasive species. While these frogs are fully aquatic, under certain conditions they can travel on land to other nearby water bodies. We urge hobbyists to not release their African clawed frogs, as this is incredibly unhealthy and dangerous for the biodiversity of our native ecosystems. Please reach out to our store, Aquatics Unlimited, to either surrender your frog to us or for resources to help you in your local area.

Diet Requirements: African clawed frogs are carnivores, and are typically unfussy. Such options can include frozen brine shrimp, mussels, krill, silverside fish, and prawns. Foods containing Spirulina algae are a plus. Appropriate frozen food options will vary depending on the size of your specimen. African clawed drogs may accept large sinking pellet foods, but these should not make up the majority of their diet. Variety is the spice of life in order to maintain color, immune function and longevity of your frog. African clawed frogs, given their energy level, may only need to be fed every other day. If the aquarium is competitive, you will need to make a greater effort to ensure your frog is getting what it needs. This can be achieved by using a pair of forceps and directly putting food in front of the frog. Ensure not to overfeed your African clawed frog as they can be gluttonous.

Care Requirements: A minimum 10 to 15 gallon aquarium is ideal for a single African clawed frog. Add 10 gallons for each additional frog. A tight fitting lid is necessary and make sure there are no other escape holes. African clawed frogs are very intolerable of nitrite or ammonia spikes, and will not endure deteriorating water parameters. Weekly or biweekly water changes are encouraged to keep water parameters up to standard (Nitrates < 20 ppm). African clawed frogs will appreciate a consistent light cycle (keeping lights on a timer), some live floating plants to provide dimmed light if the lighting is intense (they are nocturnal), and moderate water movement. The aquarium should be aquascaped with a finer substrate or even sand, driftwood, broken flower pots or other natural-looking arrangements for hiding places. The back legs of an adult African clawed frog are extremely powerful, so decor should be sturdy and secure. African clawed frogs would also do well with some low maintenance live plants, such as Anubias (Anubias spp.) or Crypts (Cryptocoryne spp.). African clawed frogs are predatory in nature, and so tank mates should be selected cautiously if this species is introduced into an aquarium. Their preference for cooler water temperatures makes them not suitable for most tropical aquariums. Recommended water conditions, 64-72° F, KH 0-12, pH 6.8-7.8.

Purchase Size: Medium: 1-1/2” to 2”

Note: Your item may not look identical to the image provided due to variation within species. Purchase sizes are approximate.

Shipping & Delivery

Dry goods orders are shipped via US Postal Service or UPS to the address provided at checkout based on the selection made in your website shopping cart. Product is carefully packed to help prevent any damage during shipping. Once processed you will receive a shipment notification via email with tracking number, and delivery notification. Please allow 48 hours for processing after your order is placed.

Perishable items (i.e. live plants, refrigerated/frozen foods) are shipped via US Postal Service 2-3 day to the address provided at checkout for a $25.00 flat rate charge. Items are packed with secure packing material and heat, cold, or Cryo packs as needed to maintain safe temperatures during transit. If one or more perishable items are in the shopping cart at checkout the $25.00 perishable shipping charge will automatically appear and need to be selected. Once processed you will receive a shipment notification via email with tracking number. Please allow 48 hours for processing after your order is placed.

Livestock (i.e. fish, invertebrates, coral) are shipped via UPS Overnight to the address provided at checkout for a $55.00 flat rate charge. Livestock is packed in insulated styrofoam boxes with secure packing material and heat, cold, or Cryo packs as needed to maintain safe temperatures during transit. If one or more livestock items are in the shopping cart at checkout the $55.00 livestock shipping charge will automatically appear and need to be selected. Livestock is shipped Monday through Wednesday ONLY (no weekend delivery is available) weather permitting, and we reserve the right to delay shipping until conditions are appropriate for safe arrival. Once your order is placed we will contact you to arrange the best shipping date based on these criteria. Someone must be available to receive the livestock order on the first delivery attempt. Once processed you will receive a shipment notification via email with tracking number. Please allow 48 hours for processing after your order is placed.

For mixed dry goods/perishable & livestock orders items will be shipped via their corresponding shipping methods outlined above. Dry goods will be shipped via US Postal Service or UPS based on your selection and checkout, while livestock will ship via UPS Overnight for a $55.00 flat rate charge. You will receive separate notifications and tracking numbers for the dry goods and livestock. Please note due to different carriers and shipping methods dry goods and livestock may arrive on different days.