Monodactylus argenteus


The Argentus Mono, also known as the Silver Moony or Mono Angelfish, has a very large natural distribution throughout coastal and inland waters of Asia, Africa and Australia. The Argentus mono’s preferred habitat depend on their age; juvenile specimens may be found temporarily in freshwater environments but require brackish conditions long term. Adults, on the other hand, prefer full marine conditions. Adult and juvenile Argentus monos look similar, having a uniquely-tall diamond shaped silver body and yellow dorsal fin. The exception is that juveniles will also have a pair of vertical brown stripes in the face, which fade with maturity. A social and shoaling species, the Argentus mono should be kept in groups of at least 6 individuals but more are encouraged. All individuals should be introduced at the same time because Argentus monos establish a hierarchical system. An adult Argentus mono can reach a size of approximately 10″.


Care Level: Moderate

Temperament: Peaceful

Live Plant Safe: With Caution

General Description: The Argentus Mono, also known as the Silver Moony or Mono Angelfish, has a very large natural distribution throughout coastal and inland waters of Asia, Africa and Australia. The Argentus mono’s preferred habitat depend on their age; juvenile specimens may be found temporarily in freshwater environments but require at least brackish conditions long term. Adults, on the other hand, prefer full marine conditions. Adult and juvenile Argentus monos look similar, having a uniquely-tall diamond shaped silver body and yellow dorsal fin. The exception is that juveniles will also have a pair of vertical brown stripes in the face, which fade with maturity. A social and shoaling species, the Argentus mono should be kept in groups of at least 6 individuals but more are encouraged. All individuals should be introduced at the same time because Argentus monos establish a hierarchical system. An adult Argentus mono can reach a size of approximately 10″.

Diet Requirements: Monos are omnivores, however a larger portion of their diet should be plant based. A diet consisting of various frozen foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms and other saltwater or freshwater mixes that contain algae, such as spirulina, will maintain optimal health and coloration. We also recommend offering blanched vegetables such as spinach and lettuce. Dried seaweed is another great option. Monos may also accept high quality flake foods and pellet foods.

Care Requirements: An established minimum 90 gallon aquarium is ideal for a group of small Argentus monos. As these grow larger, a 150 gallon aquarium or bigger is more ideal. Argentus monos will appreciate some aquascaping to swim around and through, but prefer a lot more of open and unobstructed swimming space. Frequent, small water changes are encouraged to keep water parameters clean (Nitrates < 20 ppm) as they are intolerable to deteriorating water parameters. Argentus monos require generous water movement and higher oxygen levels due to their activity level. Common tank mates for the Argentus mono include Scats (Scatophagus spp.) and Archers (Toxotes spp.), though monos are generally peaceful and can be compatible with a wide variety of fish. As adults, they may be considered more semi-aggressive or pushy. Most brackish tanks are kept at a salinity between 1.005 and 1.012. Unlike aquarium salt for freshwater, brackish tanks use marine salt. To achieve this salinity, we recommend mixing 1/8 cup of marine salt per one gallon of water. To err on the side of caution, you can use less and check the salinity level by using a hydrometer or refractometer. A marine sand or aragonite substrate is also preferred for the bottom. Brackish water plants, such as Mangroves (Rhizophora spp.), would be desired to have in the aquarium by an Argentus mono. While there are few plants that otherwise tolerate brackish conditions, it should be kept in mind that Argentus monos do like to feed on certain soft leaved plants. Recommended water conditions, 76-84° F, KH 8-12, pH 7.0-8.0, salinity 1.008-1.012.

Purchase Size: Small: 1″ to 1-3/4″; Medium: 2” to 3”; Large: 3-1/4” to 4”

Note: Your item may not look identical to the image provided due to variation within species. Purchase sizes are approximate.

Shipping & Delivery

Dry goods orders are shipped via US Postal Service or UPS to the address provided at checkout based on the selection made in your website shopping cart. Product is carefully packed to help prevent any damage during shipping. Once processed you will receive a shipment notification via email with tracking number, and delivery notification. Please allow 48 hours for processing after your order is placed.

Perishable items (i.e. live plants, refrigerated/frozen foods) are shipped via US Postal Service 2-3 day to the address provided at checkout for a $25.00 flat rate charge. Items are packed with secure packing material and heat, cold, or Cryo packs as needed to maintain safe temperatures during transit. If one or more perishable items are in the shopping cart at checkout the $25.00 perishable shipping charge will automatically appear and need to be selected. Once processed you will receive a shipment notification via email with tracking number. Please allow 48 hours for processing after your order is placed.

Livestock (i.e. fish, invertebrates, coral) are shipped via UPS Overnight to the address provided at checkout for a $55.00 flat rate charge. Livestock is packed in insulated styrofoam boxes with secure packing material and heat, cold, or Cryo packs as needed to maintain safe temperatures during transit. If one or more livestock items are in the shopping cart at checkout the $55.00 livestock shipping charge will automatically appear and need to be selected. Livestock is shipped Monday through Wednesday ONLY (no weekend delivery is available) weather permitting, and we reserve the right to delay shipping until conditions are appropriate for safe arrival. Once your order is placed we will contact you to arrange the best shipping date based on these criteria. Someone must be available to receive the livestock order on the first delivery attempt. Once processed you will receive a shipment notification via email with tracking number. Please allow 48 hours for processing after your order is placed.

For mixed dry goods/perishable & livestock orders items will be shipped via their corresponding shipping methods outlined above. Dry goods will be shipped via US Postal Service or UPS based on your selection and checkout, while livestock will ship via UPS Overnight for a $55.00 flat rate charge. You will receive separate notifications and tracking numbers for the dry goods and livestock. Please note due to different carriers and shipping methods dry goods and livestock may arrive on different days.