Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Live Plant Safe: Yes
General Description: The Rainbow Shiner Minnow is native river drainages of the southeastern United States including Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia, but this species has since expanded. A popular fish for beginner hobbyists and even for the established community tank, Rainbow shiners have an overall translucent body and a dark horizontal line that runs along the length of it. Their coloration can vary from pink, gold, red, or bluish based on the environment or individual variation. Their fins can either be yellow or red. Males will be slightly more intense in coloration than females, especially during spawning when their fins turn a brilliant blue color. Rainbow shiners are natural schooling fish, thriving best with at least 8 individuals but more are encouraged. An adult Rainbow shiner can reach a size of approximately 3″.
Diet Requirements: Rainbow shiners are carnivores, as they are described as micropredators in the wild. Offer a diet made up of various high quality protein based flake foods, sinking micro pellet foods and bug bites, in addition to offering frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp and daphnia. Variety is the spice of life in order to maintain color, immune function and longevity of your fish. Mixing in some vegetable based foods are also recommended.
Care Requirements: A minimum 15 to 20 gallon aquarium is ideal for a small group of Rainbow shiners, and the length of the aquarium is particularly important for this species given their activity level. A tight fitting lid is needed to prevent shiners from jumping out of the aquarium, especially during the excitement of spawning. While relatively hardy, Rainbow shiners would do best being introduced into a biologically mature aquarium. Rainbow shiners are one of the few fish species we offer that can thrive in cooler water temperatures as low as 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Aquascaping the aquarium with dense live plants, driftwood and other natural-looking arrangements will bring out the beauty of this fish and provide them with security. Rainbow shiners prefer more generous water movement and need a well-oxygenated environment. Given their peaceful temperament, Rainbow shiners cannot compete with overly boisterous species and will thrive best in an environment with like tank mates such as other peaceful tetra, danio, and rasbora species. Recommended water conditions, 60-74° F, KH 4-7, pH 6.5-8.0.
Purchase Size: Medium: 1-1/2” to 2”
Note: Your item may not look identical to the image provided due to variation within species. Purchase sizes are approximate.