TRIGGER – BLUE JAW Xanthichthys auromarginatus


The Blue Jaw Triggerfish, also referred to as the Blue Throat or Bluechin Triggerfish, is native to the Pacific Ocean around Indonesia and Hawaii. Overall, their body is grayish-lavender in color covered in light white spots and all fins have a yellow edge. This yellow can be somewhat brighter in male individuals, and only male Blue jaw triggers have the characteristic “blue throat.” All triggers in the genus Xanthichthys are considered reef safe because they will not nip at coral. Caution should still be exercised with the invertebrate clean-up crew, such as ornamental shrimp that could be preyed upon. The demeanor of Blue jaw triggers makes them a versatile fish in that they are good candidates for both community and semi-aggressive tanks. Only one male Blue jaw trigger should be kept per aquarium to avoid conflict and territoriality, however several females can be kept with a male. An adult Blue jaw trigger can reach a size of approximately 8″.


Care Level: Easy

Temperament: Semi-Aggressive

Reef Compatible: With Caution

General Description: The Blue Jaw Triggerfish, also referred to as the Blue Throat or Bluechin Triggerfish, is native to the Pacific Ocean around Indonesia and Hawaii. Overall, their body is grayish-lavender in color covered in light white spots and all fins have a yellow edge. This yellow can be somewhat brighter in male individuals, and only male Blue jaw triggers have the characteristic “blue throat.” All triggers in the genus Xanthichthys are considered reef safe because they will not nip at coral. Caution should still be exercised with the invertebrate clean-up crew, such as ornamental shrimp that could be preyed upon. The demeanor of a Blue jaw trigger makes them a versatile fish in that they are good candidates for both community and semi-aggressive tanks. Only one male Blue jaw trigger should be kept per aquarium to avoid conflict and territoriality, however several females can be kept with a male. An adult Blue jaw trigger can reach a size of approximately 8″.

Diet Requirements: Blue jaw triggers are carnivores. A diet consisting of various proteins and frozen preparations such as brine shrimp, squid, mysis shrimp, krill, chopped fish, and clams will maintain optimal health and coloration. We highly encourage soaking frozen foods in vitamin and fatty acid supplements, as triggers are continually active and have high metabolisms. A quirky observation about Blue jaw triggers is that they eventually associate the hobbyist as the one who feeds them, and may spit water out of the aquarium in an act of begging for food.

Care Requirements: A minimum 125 gallon aquarium that is at least 12″+ wide is ideal. Smaller specimens can be temporarily raised in smaller quarters (no less than 75 gallons) as long as it is upgraded accordingly. The Blue jaw trigger appreciates some live rock in the aquarium, especially caves and crevices to take refuge in if felt threatened. Compatability with other trigger species is variable, but a Blue jaw trigger would certainly be outcompeted and bullied by more aggressive species (e.g., Clown, Queen). Blue jaw triggers will not nip at coral but are to be added “with caution” into a reef aquarium as it will vary individual to individual about whether the invertebrate clean-up crew is in danger. Xanthichthys triggers can be quite shy upon introduction and should not be kept with overly aggressive tank-mates long term in order to thrive and be active in the open. Recommended water conditions, 72-78° F, KH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, salinity 1.020-1.025.

Purchase Size: Small: 2-1/4″ to 3″; Medium: 3″ to 3-3/4″; Large: 4″ to 5-1/4″

Note: Your item may not look identical to the image provided due to variation within species. Purchase sizes are approximate.

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